
Delft University of Technology

Dr. Pieter E. Vermaas
Associate Professor

Philosophy of Quantum Technology and Design

Dr. Sven K.J. Aerts

Foundations/History of Quantum Theory, Foundations of Observation

Dr. Abel H. Streefland
University Historian

History of the university, History of physics

Thijs Latten
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of quantum technology, metaphysics of physics, philosophy of science

Leiden University

Dr. Victor Gijsbers
Assistant Professor

Metaphysics, epistemology, causation, space and time, Kant, Shepherd (all only adjacent to HPP)

Dr. Caspar Jacobs
Assistant Professor

Symmetries, dimensions, quantities, metaphysics, haecceitism

Dr. Rodrigo Ochigame
Assistant Professor

Anthropology and history of science, computing, AI, machine learning, black hole imaging

Maastricht University

Michiel Bron
PhD Candidate

History of 20th century geophysics, nuclear research, and applied physics; history of business applications of geophysics

Radboud University Nijmegen

The picture above shows the current members of the RCNP: Lucas Timmerman, Ella van Dalen, Carla Rita Palmerino, Karla Weingarten, Silvester Borsboom, Manus Visser, and Martin Voggenauer (top row from left to right). Christoph Lüthy, Marij van Strien, Klaas Landsman, Henk de Regt, and Kian Salimkhani (bottom row from left to right).

Prof. Dr. Henk W. de Regt
Professor of Philosophy of Natural Sciences

Scientific understanding and explanation, AI in physics, causality and determinism

Prof. Dr. Klaas N.P. Landsman
Professor of Mathematical Physics

Mathematical physics, emergence, randomness, determinism, thermodynamics, black holes

Dr. Kian Salimkhani
Assistant Professor

Philosophy of spacetime & quantum gravity, fundamentality & emergence, methodology of physics & metaphysics

Dr. Marij van Strien
Assistant Professor

History & philosophy of physics, philosophical implications of physics

Dr. Manus Visser
Assistant Professor

Quantum gravity, black holes, emergent gravity, holography

Silvester Borsboom
PhD Candidate

Mathematical physics, philosophy of quantum field theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking, black hole thermodynamics

Karla Weingarten
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of QFT, effective field theories, modelling and representation

University of Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Anne Kox
Emeritus Professor

Lorentz, Zeeman, Einstein

Prof. Dr. Sonja Smets
Professor of Logic and Epistemology

Logical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Logic and Quantum Reconstruction, Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics

Prof. Dr. Jeroen van Dongen
Professor of History of Science

History of Gravity, Black Holes, History & Philosophy of Quantum Gravity, Observation, History of Knowledge

Dr. Sebastian de Haro
Assistant Professor

Philosophy of Quantum Gravity, Inter-theoretic Relations, Philosophy of Spacetime, Emergence

Dr. Chaokang K. Tai

History of astrophysics, history of photography, material history

Dr. Simon Allzén
Researcher (Stockholm University)

History and Philosophy of Dark Matter

Dr. Hein Brookhuis

Dr. Enrico Cinti

Philosophy of Quantum Gravity, Philosophy of Holographic Black Holes, Metaphysics of Quantum Gravity

Dr. Emilie Skulberg

Black holes, images in science, history of astrophysics, history of astronomy, history of physics

Aude Corbeel
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of Black Holes in Quantum Gravity

Eline de Jong
PhD Candidate

Philosophy and Ethics of Quantum Technology

Machiel Kleemans
PhD Candidate

Robert van Leeuwen
PhD Candidate

History of String Theory, History of Particle Physics & Quantum Gravity

University of Groningen

Prof. Dr. Leah Henderson

Quantum foundations, philosophy of climate science

Prof. Dr. Jan-Willem Romeijn
Professor of Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of statistics; chance and credence; scientific modelling; scientific method

Dr. Simon Friederich
Associate Professor

Quantum foundations, symmetries, temporal nonlocality and retrocausality, multiverse

Dr. Sean Gryb
Assistant Professor

Spacetime and quantum foundations, quantum gravity and cosmology, arrow of time

Isa Kooiman
PhD Candidate

Retrocausality, non-standard causality, metaphysics of physics, philosophy of quantum mechanics

Mritunjay Tyagi
PhD Candidate

Quantum foundations, quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, arrow of time

Utrecht University

Utrecht HPP Group Photo – Dec 2023. (Image credit: Marit Bijkerk)

Prof. Dr. Dennis G.B.J. Dieks
Emeritus Professor

Philosophy of physics, Philosophy of Science; Space and Time, Quantum Theory

Prof. Dr. F. A. Muller
Professor of Philosophy of Natural Sciences (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Philosophy of Physics, Science, Mathematics; Metaphysics

Prof. Dr. Jos Uffink
Affiliated Researcher

History and foundations of thermal physics

Dr. Guido Bacciagaluppi
Associate Professor

Foundations and History of Quantum Theory, Philosophy of probability

Dr. David M. Baneke
Associate Professor

History of astronomy, space science, meteorology; history of big science, international collaboration in science

Dr. Viktor Blasjo
Assistant Professor

History of mathematics, history and philosophy of geometry

Dr. Niels C.M. Martens
Assistant Professor

Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology, Spacetime-Matter Distinction, Metaphysics of Symmetries & Magnitudes, Social Epistemology of Big Physics

Dr. Emma Mojet
Assistant Professor

History of academic disciplines, including physics, disciplinary interactions and interdisciplinarity. Newton in the Netherlands

Dr. Sjang ten Hagen
Assistant Professor

History and Philosophy of Physics, Discipline Formation, Interdisciplinarity

Dr. Rob H. van Gent
Lecturer (Retired)

History of astronomy, astrology, celestial cartography, calendars & timekeeping, mathematical scientific instruments & navigation

Dr. Antonio E. Ferreiro de Aguiar

Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology, Spacetime-Matter Distinction, Philosophy of QFT, QFT in curved spacetime

Dr. Stefano Furlan

Historical epistemology, quantum gravity, 20th-century astrophysics, Wheeler, Bohr, disciplinary interactions

Dr. Diana Taschetto

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, History of Quantum Mechanics

Noemi Bolzonetti
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Metaphysics of Physics, Bohr

Maura C. Burke
PhD Candidate

Metaphysics of physics, epistemology, explanation, cosmology, multiverses, causality

Luca T. Forgiarini
PhD Candidate

History of European scientific cooperation, history of big science, international scientific cooperation, history of CERN

Damon E. Moley
PhD Candidate

Einstein, Wheeler, Everett, Misner, DeWitt, ER, EPR, Multiverse, Cosmology

Marina Passaro
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Metaphysics of Physics, Bohr

Sanne Vergouwen
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of Cosmology, Spacetime-Matter Distinction, Intertheory Relations

Sabine Winters
PhD Candidate

Philosophy of imagination, epistemology of imagination in space research and natural sciences